Why are we told to praise God?!? I mean really? Why are we told to praise God in all things?
Try praising God.
Right now, go on, start thanking God.
Thank you Lord for my life!
I praise your Holy name for my salvation!
I praise you Rock Springs church and the impact it has on the souls of thousands!
God, you are Awesome, Amazing, Wonderful, Long Suffering, Patient with me!
Thank you for your love! You love me and I am grateful, humbled!
Lord, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for you allow Him to interceed for me!
Thank you for the ability to pray boldly for our needs, hurts, desires!
Thank you for your sovereighty!!
LORD, I praise you for your Lordship in my life.
The light you are to my feet on this path of life!
Did you do it?
Are you smiling? :-)
God fills us with JOY. When we focus on how good He is, we have to smile! We have to exalt His Holy name!!
Love y'all, Charity
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